The Everlasting Covenant By E. J. WAGGONER ,

Author of “Prophetic Lights,” “Gospel in Creation,” etc. 1900.


Preface ………………………………………..5

Chapter 2 – The Promise to Abraham 45

The Scriptures containing the Promise.–

God’s Promises all in Christ. –

A Gospel Promise.–

Abraham and the Cross.–

The Promise Repeated.–

Definition of Terms.–

The “Seed.”–

Joint Heirs with Jesus Christ.–

The Land.–

Jesus and the Resurrection.

Chapter 3 – Building an Altar ……………………53

An Example for Parents.–

Nature of True Commandments.–

Preaching the Gospel of God.–

Abraham not Naturally Good.–

God Justifies the Ungodly.–

Abraham and Lot.–

Secret of Abraham’s Generosity.–

An Innumerable Multitude.–

Abraham and Melchizedek.–

Abraham a Christian.–

The Tithe.–

Bread and Wine.

Chapter 4 – Making a Covenant ……………………65

God Our Portion.–

What we Inherit from God.–

Children, not Servants.–

Building on God.–

Jesus Christ the “Amen.”–

Covenant made with Abraham and his Seed.–

A Time of Waiting.–

Promise of the Resurrection.–

Promise Fulfilled at Resurrection.–

The Ground of Faith.–

Time for Repentance.

Chapter 6 – The Covenant Sealed ………………….80

A New Name.–

Abram and Abraham.–

No Change in the Promise.–

All in Christ.–

What the Covenant Contained.–

The Covenant is the Gospel.–

A Covenant of Righteousness.–

The Forgiveness of Sins.–

Abraham Blessed through the Cross.–

Faith not Imagination.–

The Seal of Righteousness.–

A Grant of Land.–

Canaan and the Earth.–

The Sign of Circumcision.–

What Circumcision Is.–

The Sign Perverted.

Chapter 8 – The Promise and the Oath 107

Significance of the Oath.–

For Whose Sake?–

In Christ Alone.–

The Oath and the Gospel.–

The Oath and the Priesthood.–

The Oath the Surety of the New Covenant.–

“Strong Consolation.”–

God’s Life Pledged.–

All Creation Given for Our Ransom.

Chapter 10 – A General View …………………….121

The Case Stated.–

Strangers and Sojourners.–

King David a Stranger in the Promised Land.–

A Heavenly Country.–

The Example of Isaac.–

No Reason for Selfdefence.–

Going to Law.–

Use of Carnal Weapons Prohibited.–

“Be Patient.”–

Esau’s Infidelity. —

Jacob’s Worldly-minded Belief.–

Esau’s Case a Warning.–

Esau’s Followers.–

Chapter 13 – The Time of the Promise 160

Promise Fulfilled only by Resurrection.–

When the Time Drew Nigh. –

The Promise Sworn to Abraham.–

What Israel’s Return Means.

Chapter 15 – Giving the Commission ………………174

Moses the Chosen Leader.–

Meekness a Necessary Qualification

The Meek do not now Possess Earth

God’s Servants only Instruments

The Spirit Gives Utterance.–

Preparation not Disparaged.–

Credentials of Moses.–

The Coming One.

Chapter 16 – Preaching the Gospel in Egypt 181

Tribulation Necessary.–

Value of Persecution.–

The Gospel of Deliverance.–

Preaching to Pharaoh.–

The Promise to Abraham Included the Egyptians.–

Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart.–

God’s Purpose with Pharaoh.–

Declaring the Name of the Lord.–

A World-wide Gospel.

Chapter 18 – The Final Deliverance ………………202

God’s Tender Forethought.–

The Pursuit.–

Israel’s Fears Quieted.–

No Fighting.–

God Leads Men into Difficulties.–

Complete Deliverance.–

When the Work Began.

Chapter 20 – Bread from Heaven ………………….219

Short Memories.–

Denying the Lord.–

The Story of the Manna.–

Written for Our Sakes.–

The Law the Test.–

Sabbath and Law before Sinai.–

The Sabbath a Definite Day.–

“The Seventh Part of Time.”–

The Seventh Day of the Week.–

Hear and Live.–

Life Through the Word.–

God Taking the Responsibility.–

Living Bread.–

Feeding the Five Thousand.–

The Source of that Bread. –

A Lesson of Equality.

Chapter 22 – Water from the Rock–Living Water 262

Water is Life.–

The Lord Our Rock.–

The Fountain of Life.–

Drinking Righteousness.–

The River of Life.–

The Water of Life Flows from Calvary.–

The Holy Spirit.–

Christ Set Forth Crucified in the Wilderness of Sinai.

Chapter 24 – The Entering of the Law 282

Sin and the Law Already Existing.–

Nothing New at Sinai.–

Majesty of the Law.–

Some Comparisons.–

The Ministration of Death.–

Why the Law was Given.–

Superabounding Grace.–

The Comfort of Conviction.–

The Need and the Remedy.

Chapter 26 – Calvary Revealed at Sinai 306

The Riven Rock.–

The Law in Christ.–

Drinking in Righteousness. –

The Law from Sinai Christ’s Righteousness.–

Why the Cross Makes no Change in the Law.

Chapter 27 – Mount Sinai and Mount Zion 313

Israel to Come to Mount Zion.–

Why Israel Failed.–

Content with a Shadow.–

A Representation of God’s Throne.–

The Throne of Grace.–

God’s Law Enduring as His Throne.–

Terribleness of God’s Throne.–

We may Come Boldly to It.–

Made Nigh by the Blood of Christ.–

The Law at Calvary the same as at Sinai.–

Sinai, Calvary and Zion United.

Chapter 29 – The Veil and the Shadow 335

Unbelief the Veil.–

The Veil in the Heart.–

Shadow and Substance.–

An Exact Shadow.–

The Substance always at Hand.–

All might have Drawn Near.–

No Shadow without the Sun.–

Transformed by the Glory.–

“That which was Abolished.”–

The Gospel Age.–

Life and Immortality Brought to Light.–

The Law in the Gospel, and the Gospel in the Law.

Chapter 31 – The Sanctuary of God ………….356

Sacred Places.–

God’s Dwelling-Place.–

A Living House.–

A Living Foundation.–

A Living Throne.–

Moved by God’s Thought.–

On Earth as in Heaven.–

God Thinking in Men.–

A People “Called Out.”–

A Tabernacle Made with Hands.–

Not God’s Real Dwelling. —

Cleansing the Sanctuary.–

The Perfect Testimony.–

Manifestation of the Life of Jesus.

Chapter 32 – Entering the Promised Land 369

Crossing the Jordan.–

The “Full Assurance of Faith.”–

Free at Last. –

God’s Witness to the People’s Righteousness.–

The “Reproach of Egypt” Rolled Away.–

The Victory of Faith.–

A Seeming Force.–

An Unmurmuring Host.–

The Shout of Victory.–

The Same Victory is Ours.–

The World Overcome.

Chapter 34 – Israel a Missionary People 388

The Message to Pharaoh.–

God’s Purpose.–

Effect of the Preaching in Egypt.–

God’s Solicitude for All Men.–

All Israel to be Priests. –

Their Work as Priests.–

The Way All Prepared.–

No Fear of Molestation.–

A Thorough Work Provided For.–

Evidences of God’s Impartiality.–

Abraham Himself of Gentile Origin. —

Gentile People the Lost Sheep of Israel.–

Israel to be Separate. –

Union with the Nations Means Separation from God.–

Rejecting God by Choosing a King.–

Desiring to be like the Heathen.–

True Israel not one of the Nations.–

Israel the Church of Christ.–

Only One Church.–

The Church the Kingdom.–

Ancient Israel not a Theocracy.–

What a Theocracy Is.–

An Important Distinction. –

Theocracy versus Democracy.–

A Theocracy does not Exercise Worldly Power.–

A Separated People.–

No Earthly Model.–

The Church’s Interest in the World.–

God yet to Manifest Himself Among Men.

Chapter 37 – Again in Captivity …………………449

Turning Back to Egypt.–

Solomon’s Idolatry.–

The Ruin of Israel. –

Worse than the Heathen.–

A Record of Iniquity.–

Sinners are Slaves.–

God’s Faithfulness.–

A Victory of Faith.–

A Model Prayer.–

The Prayer Answered.–

The Song of Victory.–

The Result.–

The Lesson for Us.–

What Might Have Been.–

Rejected Promises.–

The Test of Obedience.–

The Judgment Threatened. Fulfillment.–

Israel under Babylonian Sway.–

Zedekiah’s Perjury and Rebellion.–

Nebuchadnezzar’s Right to Rule in Judea.–

End of Israel’s Temporal Dominion.–

A Brief World History.–

Medo-Persia and Greece.–

Roman Rule.–

The Last Revolution.

Chapter 39 – The Time of the Promise at Hand 480

When the Promise Might Have Been Fulfilled.–

The Vision of Daniel VIII.–

The Angel’s Interpretation.–

A Long Prophetic Period. –

The Time Allotted to the Jewish People.–

“The Times of the Gentiles.”–

The Coming of the Lord.–

“The Fulness of the Gentiles.”–

The Time not Revealed.–

No Secret Coming.–

The Final Call from Babylon.–

Judgment upon Babylon.–

God’s Controversy with the Nations.–

Fanciful Dreams of Universal Peace.–

The Last Battle, and Final Peace and Freedom.

Chapter 41 – One fold and One Shepherd …503

Jacob’s Prophecy.–

Prophecy of Caiaphas.–

Christ’s Coming and the Resurrection, the only Hope.–

The Lost Sheep of Israel.–

Gathered by the Gospel.–

Building up the Tabernacle of David.–

How all Israel Shall be Saved.

Chapter 1 – The Gospel Message ……………………7

Announcement to the Shepherds.–

The Desire of all Nations.–

Unsatisfied Longings.–

None but Christ can satisfy..–

The Power of the Gospel.–

The Power of Creation.–

Creation and Redemption.–

Creation by the Cross.–

The Mystery of God.–

The Revelation of Jesus Christ.–

“The Life of Jesus Reproduced in Men”

The Fellowship of the Mystery.–

The Gospel Proclaims an Inheritance.–

Heirs of All Things.–

Man’s Dominion.–

The Dominion Lost.–

The World to Come.–

God’s Purpose not Frustrated.–

Christ Bearing the Curse.–

The Time of Restitution.–

The Surety.–

Who are Heirs? –

The Promise of His Coming.–

Some Plainly Revealed Truths.–

The Lord not Forgetful.–

The Shortness of Time.–

A Thousand Years as One Day.

Chapter 5 – The Flesh Against the Spirit ………….74

A Step Aside.–

Man Cannot do God’s Work.–

Working Against the Promise, not for It.–

The Terms “Spiritual” and “Literal.”–

The Spiritual is Real.–

All Believers Spiritual.–

Not Slaves, nor Ishmaelites.–

Abraham’s Two Sons, Two Different Characters.–

What True Freedom Is.–

The Sum of the Whole Matter.

Chapter 7 – The Test of Faith ……………………95

Lessons Repeated until Learned.–

What the Test Involved.–

The Severest Possible Test.–


None Free from Temptation.–

“He Staggered Not.”–

The “Only Begotten Son.”–

The Self-Fulfilling Word.–

The “Resurrection and the Life.”–

The Sacrifice Completed.–

The Work of Faith.–

“The Friend of God.”–

What God’s Friendship Means.

Chapter 9 – The Promise of Victory ………………115

The Seed to Whom the Promise was Made.–

Saved from Our Enemies, to Live in Holiness.–

Deliverance from the Power of Satan.–

Satan’s Power is Death through Sin.–

All the Seed not yet Delivered.–

Significance of the Sacrifices.

Chapter 11 – Israel: A Prince of God …………….133

The Promise not Gained by Fraud.–

Why God Chooses Men.–

Jacob’s First Lesson.–

The Gospel Proclaimed to Jacob.–

Christ the Ladder.–

The Lesson Learned.–

The Final Test.–

Praying and Wrestling.–

Strength in Weakness.–

A New Name.–

Who are Israelites?–


Chapter 12 – Israel in Egypt ……………………148

What Egypt Signifies.–

Egyptian Idolatry.–

Object of delivering Israel from Egypt.–

Egyptian Bondage Still Continues.–

Egypt the Corrupter of Christianity.–

Pagan Philosophy in the Church. –

Taking the Bible from the People.–

The Reformation Unfinished.

Chapter 14 – “The Reproach of Christ.” 164

The Cross.–

What Moses Gave Up.–

The Joy of the Reproach.–

A Great Mistake.–

Labour Troubles and their Remedy.–

God’s Care for the Poor.–

Oppression by the Rich.–

The Just do not Resist.–

The Time for Setting Wrongs Right.–

The Gospel the Remedy.

Chapter 17 – Saved by the Life ………………….194

“Behold Your God!”–

Christ, the Only Leader.–

The First Passover. –

Christ’s Invincible Life.–

Always the Same.–

The Last Passover.–

Our Union with Israel.

Chapter 19 – The Song of Deliverance ……….212

The Strength of Israel.–

Eternal Deliverance.–

God’s Dwelling Place. –

The Arm of the Lord.–

The Final Song.–

Singing on the Journey.–

The New Song, the Old Story.

Chapter 21 – Eating the flesh of Christ ……240

The Beginning.–

Sowing the Word.–

Effect of the Curse.–

Not an Arbitrary Thing.–

The Curse Upon Animals.–

Vicious Plants.–

Advantage of the Plant World.–

Christ Present in All Creation.–

The Confession of Faith.–

Food a Blessing from God.–

Why God Blesses Us.–

Eating to No Profit.–

How to Get a Living.–

The Lesson of the Lord’s Supper.–

Consequence of Not Recognizing the Life.–

A Matter of Health.–

“Eat Ye that which is Good.”

Chapter 23 – The Real Presence ………………….271

The Seen and the Unseen.–

The Source of Water.–

Getting Accustomed to Miracles.–

Recognizing God.–

Dwelling in God’s House.–

Eden Here Below.–

The Stream of Life Multiplied.

Chapter 25 – The Law not Against the Promise 293

A Study in Galatians III.–

The Gospel in the Old Testament.–

An Ever-present, Crucified Christ.–

The Hearing of Faith.–

Faith Means Obedience.–

The Father of the Faithful.–

The Curse of the Law.–

The Law not a Curse.–

All Under the Curse.–

The Blessing.–

Redeemed from the Curse.–

The Gospel in Isaiah’s Day.–

Abraham’s Blessing through the Cross.–

The Covenant Unaltered.–

How the Covenant was Confirmed.–

Our Hope.–

The Law in the Covenant with Abraham.–

No Change at Sinai.–

Christ the Mediator.

Chapter 28 – The Covenants of Promise ……321

No Covenant with Gentiles.–

Who Have a Share in God’s Covenant? –

Two Covenants Contrasted.–

How much Better the Second than the First.–

The Difference.–

Why the Promises of the Old Covenant were Never Realized.–

The Covenant with Abraham Sufficient.–

God’s Reference to the Covenant with Abraham.–

All Things of God.–

The Lesson of Trust.–

The Covenant at Sinai not Designed by God.–

The People’s Mistake.–

A Covenant with Death.–

God’s Patience.–

Divine Compassion.

Chapter 30 – Two Laws ………………………….344

Weakness and Power.–

In a Book, and in Christ.–

Law of Death, and Law of Spirit of Life.–

Condemnation and Righteousness.–

“Yoke of Bondage,” and “Law of Liberty.”–

A Sacrificial Service Fitting the Law.–

What the Levitical Sacrifices Indicated.–

How Forgiveness Comes.–

True Sacrifice.–

God Always “Ready to Forgive.”–

The Old Covenant Valueless.–

The People’s Promise Ignored.–

Bold Reliance on God’s Promise.–

“Salvation Belongeth unto the Lord.”–

God Changes Not.–

Works of Supererogation –how they Originate.–

Use of a Likeness.–

Christ the Image of God.

Chapter 33 – Vain Glory and Defeat ………………379

Attack Upon Al.–


No One Beyond Danger.–

Cause of the Defeat.–

An Unwarranted Assumption.–

Defeat not in God’s Plan.–

The Means of Defence.–

God to Fight for His People. –

God’s Care for His Defenseless People.–

Why the Israelites Ever Fought.–

Executing the Judgment Written.–

War Never a Success.

Chapter 35 – The Promised Best ………………….409

God’s Presence Gives Rest.–

Proof of God’s Presence.–

Rest and Inheritance Inseparable.–

The Rest Given with the Land.–

The Heathen not all Driven Out.–

Yet God’s Promises Did not Fail. –

A Seeming Paradox.–

Peace in Tribulation.–

Warfare already Accomplished.–

Lessons from the Psalms.–

Israel Could not Enter In.–Our


Physical Force always Falls.–

The Commandment from the Beginning.–

The Promise of Canaan. –

A World-wide Kingdom.–

The New Earth.–

A Heavenly County.–

A Heavenly City.–

The City Brought Down.–

Restoration of Israel.

Chapter 36 – “Another Day.” …………………….430

The Rest not Received.–

The Inheritance and Future in David’s Time.–

Old Jerusalem Signifies Bondage.–

The Promise Still Sure.–

“He Abideth Faithful.”–

Only One Day.–

To-day is the Time to find Rest.–

Rest in Faith.–

The Rest all Prepared. –

God’s Work and God’s Rest.–

The Rest into which Adam Entered.–

God’s Work gives Rest.–

Rest in Activity.–

Sin and Weariness.–

Keeping the Rest.–

Rest in the New Earth.–

A Bit of Eden Still Remains.–

What the Sign Signifies.–

The Sabbath not a Work.–

Resting on God’s Word.–

A Blessing, not a Burden. –

Spiritual Rest.–

The Poor Man’s Friend.–

A Blessed Day and a Blessed Man.–

Doubt and Unbelief not Rest.–

The Cross of Christ gives Rest.–

God’s Invitation to Sabbath Keeping.–

A Glorious Promise.

Chapter 38 – Bondage Preferred to Freedom 469

Babylonian Captivity.–

Meaning of Babylon.–

Defying God.–

Judgment upon the Haughty Oppressor.–

God’s Purpose.–

What Is Deliverance from Babylon?–

The Seventy Years Fulfilled.–

The Lesson Still Unlearned.

Chapter 40 – The Lost Tribes of Israel ……..494

The Popular Idea.–

Judah and Israel.–

Jew and Israelite the Same. –

Scripture Use of the Terms.–

One Common Acceptor.–

None of the Tribes Lost.–

Universal Permission to Return from Captivity. –

All of the Tribes Represented.–

The Twelve Tribes in Paul’s Day.–

Whom the Lord Counts an Israelite.–

All Gone Astray –

The Gathering.

Chapter 42 – The Everlasting Covenant Complete 511

The Theme of All the Prophets.–

The Gospel Work Outlined from Christ’s First Advent till His Second Coming and the Final Restoration.–

Christ the Banner.–

The Scattered Flock.–

Saved from Unfaithful Shepherds.–

One Shepherd.–

Gathered by the Resurrection.–

The Whole House of Israel.–

The Covenant of Peace.–

Judgement Upon All Nations.–

Time of Deliverance. –

Ransomed from the Grave.–

Time of Making the New Covenant. –

Comparison of the Old and the New Covenant.–

Comparison of Events Connected with the Making of Each.–

The First Dominion Restored.–

A Quiet Habitation.






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