The Bible or Tradition
Bible or tradition

So we have decided to give our lives to Jesus, we have come to the knowledge and acceptance of our sinful state, we believe that Jesus died for us, He took our place and suffered our punishment for our crimes. He was buried in the sepulchre, and rose from the grave on the third day and ascended up to heaven to be with His Father in His Throne.
Jesus risked all, not just for that of the first death but also of the second death, and a total and permanent separation from the Father if he failed in His mission. The flesh was to suffer, but the suffering of the flesh paled into insignificance in comparison to the suffering of the Soul that the Son of God endured as a result of the sins of this world. Yes, Divinity died on the cross, not a lesson for today but how would you know if you didn’t study the scriptures. There is not a church to be found which preaches the traditions of man, and also teaches that the true Son of God died on the Cross. But if you search and study the scriptures then you will see that there was only ONE, in all Heaven and Earth that could qualify, and that could make atonement for mans sinful state, ONE, in ALL Heaven and Earth that could remove the stain of sin from man. Bible or tradition
And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?
And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.
And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.
And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. Revelation 5:2-5″ Bible or Tradition
You have a brain, God invested you with the powers of logic, discernment and common sense, and with it we are to disregard that which does not make sense. This is important because the traditionalists will tell you that as a commoner you cannot interpret the scriptures, but that the interpretation of the scriptures is only for those that have special abilities. Now does that make sense to you, would your Creator leave it up to someone else to guide you, and to mould you into that which God Himself wants for you? I think not, I think that if God wants something for you, He will have found a way for you to hear His words so that you can be sure of what He telling you. So it is up to us to read the Bible, and we must do so with pure thoughts, free from bias and open to the sure messages that are in the scriptures. Bible or tradition
Genuine faith is founded on the Scriptures; but Satan uses so many devices to wrest the Scriptures and bring in error, that great care is needed if one would know what they really do teach. It is one of the great delusions of this time to dwell much upon feeling, and to claim honesty while ignoring the plain utterances of the word of God because that word does not coincide with feeling. Many have no foundation for their faith but emotion. Their religion consists in excitement; when that ceases, their faith is gone. Feeling may be chaff, but the word of God is the wheat. And “what,” says the prophet, “is the chaff to the wheat?” {RH, November 25, 1884 par. 26} Bible or Tradition
God created us in His image, without fault and without sin, and in so doing He also blessed us with the freedom of conscience, and I believe there are many that take this gift for granted. God blessed us with this gift which defines us, it declares our character and personality, it helps to make us what we are as living souls. Now Jesus had a choice as well, but it behoved Him that he must die for our sins, God could clearly have made us as servants, serfs to do His will and bidding without complaint, or winging, or moaning and groaning, but that is not our God, our God is a God of love, mercy and long suffering. Bible or tradition
“And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Exodus 34:6”
“The LORD is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, Number 14:18a”
“But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.Psalm 86:15” Bible or Tradition
Jesus Christ died for us while we were yet sinners, whereby we are freed from the burden of sin, but we must claim the reward, and we must comply with the requirements of the covenant. Bible or Tradition
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8” Bible or Tradition
Our creator desires our love, but we must give it freely, and It is our choice to make. But how can you possibly love someone that you don’t know, Can you really trust the traditions of men to determine the nature and the character of the One Infinite God? I’m afraid that for me that is impossible, for the Holy Bible is the nature and the personality of our Creator, and the only means whereby we may come to know Him and Who He is that desires our affections.
If God had made us without this free will then sin would not have entered into the world, and the need for the suffering and the death of His beloved Son would have been avoided. Is this the God that will force your mind, that will force your hand? No it is not. Then do your research on the History of the Church of Rome, and ask yourself why it has murdered and tortured millions over the years, for the supposed act of heresy, that is for no greater crime than that of reading the bible. Ask yourself who’s hand would be behind that system, and why would you listen to anything that it has to say? Bible or Tradition
You see the devil will use all his powers of deception, lies, force, intimidation and fear to control your conscience and to take your liberties from you. To compel your conscience is his desire, so with that in mind you must use your powers of deduction, and your common sense to determine the spirit of the information that you are researching. If the testimony is not of the spirit of God then you must move on till you find the spirit that is of God. The devil is devious and has spoiled much truth with his doctrines. “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 1 Timothy 4:1” and this is the spirit that we must be vigilant of. Bible or Tradition
Trust your instincts, for in these days not enough emphasis is placed on the weight of evidence which is in harmony with that of logic, and of common sense. Bible or Tradition
“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 14:33” Bible or Tradition
The preachers of tradition will have you running around in circles misinterpreting scripture, taking it out of context and distorting the messages therein. Bible or Tradition
There are many doctrines taught by traditionalists which cannot be found in the scriptures, a study of some of these can be found here. Bible or Tradition
Please take the time to watch the video’s on this page, as well as the other video’s that you will find throughout this site. These video’s consist of lectures, presentations and documentaries which will be an invaluable resource for the development of your growth in Jesus, and your understanding of the ways of this world and the influences behind them. I have chosen these videos because I have confidence in the producers, the presenters and the Pastors who are involved. I have confidence in their conviction, and love for the One True God of Heaven and Earth, and you will find the information gleaned from viewing these video’s invaluable in your quest for knowledge and understanding. Bible or Tradition

01 10 The Bible-or Tradition: The Eyes of Wisdom-Stephen Bohr

02 10 The Bible-or Tradition: The Jewish View of Tradition-Stephen Bohr

03 10 The Bible-or Tradition: Tradition vs. Scripture: A Case Study in Mark 7-Stephen Bohr

04 10 The Bible-or Tradition: Jesus & Theological Conflict-Stephen Bohr

05 10 The Bible-or Tradition: The Roman Catholic View of Tradition - Part 1-Stephen Bohr

06 10 The Bible-or Tradition: The Roman Catholic View of Tradition-Part 2 ~ Stephen Bohr

07 10 The Bible-or Tradition: Sabbath Controversies & Tradition-Stephen Bohr

08 10 The Bible-or Tradition: Sunday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'

09 10 The Bible-or Tradition: The Acid Test-Stephen Bohr

10 10 The Bible-or Tradition: Word of God or Traditions of Man-Stephen Bohr
01 10 The Bible-or Tradition: The Eyes of Wisdom-Stephen Bohr
Pastor Stephen Bohr spells out the reasons why we should be using the creed of Sola Scriptura, that is the Bible and the Bible only for “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”—2 Timothy 3:16-17 “I take the Bible just as it is, as the Inspired Word. I believe its utterances in an entire Bible. Men arise who think they find something to criticize in God's word. They lay it bare before others as evidence of superior wisdom…. “Brethren, let not a mind or hand be engaged in criticizing the Bible…. Men should let God take care of His own Book, His Living Oracles, as He has done for ages…. Brethren, cling to your Bible, as it reads, and stop your criticisms in regard to its validity, and obey the word, and not one of you will be lost…. “Men of humble acquirements, possessing but limited capabilities and opportunities to become conversant in the Scriptures, find in the Living Oracles comfort, guidance, counsel, and the plan of salvation as clear as a sunbeam. No one need be lost for want of knowledge, unless he is willfully blind. “We thank God that the Bible is prepared for the poor man as well as for the learned man. It is fitted for all ages and all classes.”—Manuscript 16, 1888, quoted in F. M. Wilcox, The Testimony of Jesus, pp. 13-15. “God committed the preparation of His divinely inspired word to finite man. This word arranged into books, the Old and New Testaments, is the guidebook to the inhabitants of a fallen world; bequeathed to them, that by studying and obeying the directions, not one soul would lose its way to heaven.”—Ibid., p. 13. “The truth of God is found in His word. Those who feel that they must seek elsewhere for present truth need to be converted anew. They have wrong habits to mend, evil ways to be abandoned. They need to seek anew the truth as it is in Jesus, that their character building may be in harmony with the lessons of Christ. As they abandon their human ideas and take up their God-given duties, beholding Christ and becoming conformed to His likeness, they say: ‘Nearer, my God, to Thee; nearer to Thee.’”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 192. “Brother J would confuse the mind by seeking to make it appear that the light God has given through the Testimonies is an addition to the word of God, but in this he presents the matter in a false light. God has seen fit in this matter to bring the minds of His people to His word, to give them a clearer understanding of it.”—Ibid., vol. 4, p. 246. “The word of God abounds in general principles for the formation of correct habits of living, and the testimonies, general and personal, have been calculated to call their attention more especially to these principles.”—Ibid., p. 323. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4” Produced by Secrets Unsealed. You can find them at and -
02 10 The Bible-or Tradition: The Jewish View of Tradition-Stephen Bohr
Pastor Stephen Bohr spells out the reasons why we should be using the creed of Sola Scriptura, that is the Bible and the Bible only for “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”—2 Timothy 3:16-17 “I take the Bible just as it is, as the Inspired Word. I believe its utterances in an entire Bible. Men arise who think they find something to criticize in God's word. They lay it bare before others as evidence of superior wisdom…. “Brethren, let not a mind or hand be engaged in criticizing the Bible…. Men should let God take care of His own Book, His Living Oracles, as He has done for ages…. Brethren, cling to your Bible, as it reads, and stop your criticisms in regard to its validity, and obey the word, and not one of you will be lost…. “Men of humble acquirements, possessing but limited capabilities and opportunities to become conversant in the Scriptures, find in the Living Oracles comfort, guidance, counsel, and the plan of salvation as clear as a sunbeam. No one need be lost for want of knowledge, unless he is willfully blind. “We thank God that the Bible is prepared for the poor man as well as for the learned man. It is fitted for all ages and all classes.”—Manuscript 16, 1888, quoted in F. M. Wilcox, The Testimony of Jesus, pp. 13-15. “God committed the preparation of His divinely inspired word to finite man. This word arranged into books, the Old and New Testaments, is the guidebook to the inhabitants of a fallen world; bequeathed to them, that by studying and obeying the directions, not one soul would lose its way to heaven.”—Ibid., p. 13. “The truth of God is found in His word. Those who feel that they must seek elsewhere for present truth need to be converted anew. They have wrong habits to mend, evil ways to be abandoned. They need to seek anew the truth as it is in Jesus, that their character building may be in harmony with the lessons of Christ. As they abandon their human ideas and take up their God-given duties, beholding Christ and becoming conformed to His likeness, they say: ‘Nearer, my God, to Thee; nearer to Thee.’”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 192. “Brother J would confuse the mind by seeking to make it appear that the light God has given through the Testimonies is an addition to the word of God, but in this he presents the matter in a false light. God has seen fit in this matter to bring the minds of His people to His word, to give them a clearer understanding of it.”—Ibid., vol. 4, p. 246. “The word of God abounds in general principles for the formation of correct habits of living, and the testimonies, general and personal, have been calculated to call their attention more especially to these principles.”—Ibid., p. 323. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4” Produced by Secrets Unsealed. You can find them at and -
03 10 The Bible-or Tradition: Tradition vs. Scripture: A Case Study in Mark 7-Stephen Bohr
Pastor Stephen Bohr spells out the reasons why we should be using the creed of Sola Scriptura, that is the Bible and the Bible only for “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”—2 Timothy 3:16-17 “I take the Bible just as it is, as the Inspired Word. I believe its utterances in an entire Bible. Men arise who think they find something to criticize in God's word. They lay it bare before others as evidence of superior wisdom…. “Brethren, let not a mind or hand be engaged in criticizing the Bible…. Men should let God take care of His own Book, His Living Oracles, as He has done for ages…. Brethren, cling to your Bible, as it reads, and stop your criticisms in regard to its validity, and obey the word, and not one of you will be lost…. “Men of humble acquirements, possessing but limited capabilities and opportunities to become conversant in the Scriptures, find in the Living Oracles comfort, guidance, counsel, and the plan of salvation as clear as a sunbeam. No one need be lost for want of knowledge, unless he is willfully blind. “We thank God that the Bible is prepared for the poor man as well as for the learned man. It is fitted for all ages and all classes.”—Manuscript 16, 1888, quoted in F. M. Wilcox, The Testimony of Jesus, pp. 13-15. “God committed the preparation of His divinely inspired word to finite man. This word arranged into books, the Old and New Testaments, is the guidebook to the inhabitants of a fallen world; bequeathed to them, that by studying and obeying the directions, not one soul would lose its way to heaven.”—Ibid., p. 13. “The truth of God is found in His word. Those who feel that they must seek elsewhere for present truth need to be converted anew. They have wrong habits to mend, evil ways to be abandoned. They need to seek anew the truth as it is in Jesus, that their character building may be in harmony with the lessons of Christ. As they abandon their human ideas and take up their God-given duties, beholding Christ and becoming conformed to His likeness, they say: ‘Nearer, my God, to Thee; nearer to Thee.’”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 192. “Brother J would confuse the mind by seeking to make it appear that the light God has given through the Testimonies is an addition to the word of God, but in this he presents the matter in a false light. God has seen fit in this matter to bring the minds of His people to His word, to give them a clearer understanding of it.”—Ibid., vol. 4, p. 246. “The word of God abounds in general principles for the formation of correct habits of living, and the testimonies, general and personal, have been calculated to call their attention more especially to these principles.”—Ibid., p. 323. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4” Produced by Secrets Unsealed. You can find them at and -
04 10 The Bible-or Tradition: Jesus & Theological Conflict-Stephen Bohr
Pastor Stephen Bohr spells out the reasons why we should be using the creed of Sola Scriptura, that is the Bible and the Bible only for “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”—2 Timothy 3:16-17 “I take the Bible just as it is, as the Inspired Word. I believe its utterances in an entire Bible. Men arise who think they find something to criticize in God's word. They lay it bare before others as evidence of superior wisdom…. “Brethren, let not a mind or hand be engaged in criticizing the Bible…. Men should let God take care of His own Book, His Living Oracles, as He has done for ages…. Brethren, cling to your Bible, as it reads, and stop your criticisms in regard to its validity, and obey the word, and not one of you will be lost…. “Men of humble acquirements, possessing but limited capabilities and opportunities to become conversant in the Scriptures, find in the Living Oracles comfort, guidance, counsel, and the plan of salvation as clear as a sunbeam. No one need be lost for want of knowledge, unless he is willfully blind. “We thank God that the Bible is prepared for the poor man as well as for the learned man. It is fitted for all ages and all classes.”—Manuscript 16, 1888, quoted in F. M. Wilcox, The Testimony of Jesus, pp. 13-15. “God committed the preparation of His divinely inspired word to finite man. This word arranged into books, the Old and New Testaments, is the guidebook to the inhabitants of a fallen world; bequeathed to them, that by studying and obeying the directions, not one soul would lose its way to heaven.”—Ibid., p. 13. “The truth of God is found in His word. Those who feel that they must seek elsewhere for present truth need to be converted anew. They have wrong habits to mend, evil ways to be abandoned. They need to seek anew the truth as it is in Jesus, that their character building may be in harmony with the lessons of Christ. As they abandon their human ideas and take up their God-given duties, beholding Christ and becoming conformed to His likeness, they say: ‘Nearer, my God, to Thee; nearer to Thee.’”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 192. “Brother J would confuse the mind by seeking to make it appear that the light God has given through the Testimonies is an addition to the word of God, but in this he presents the matter in a false light. God has seen fit in this matter to bring the minds of His people to His word, to give them a clearer understanding of it.”—Ibid., vol. 4, p. 246. “The word of God abounds in general principles for the formation of correct habits of living, and the testimonies, general and personal, have been calculated to call their attention more especially to these principles.”—Ibid., p. 323. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4” Produced by Secrets Unsealed. You can find them at and -
05 10 The Bible-or Tradition: The Roman Catholic View of Tradition - Part 1-Stephen Bohr
Pastor Stephen Bohr spells out the reasons why we should be using the creed of Sola Scriptura, that is the Bible and the Bible only for “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”—2 Timothy 3:16-17 “I take the Bible just as it is, as the Inspired Word. I believe its utterances in an entire Bible. Men arise who think they find something to criticize in God's word. They lay it bare before others as evidence of superior wisdom…. “Brethren, let not a mind or hand be engaged in criticizing the Bible…. Men should let God take care of His own Book, His Living Oracles, as He has done for ages…. Brethren, cling to your Bible, as it reads, and stop your criticisms in regard to its validity, and obey the word, and not one of you will be lost…. “Men of humble acquirements, possessing but limited capabilities and opportunities to become conversant in the Scriptures, find in the Living Oracles comfort, guidance, counsel, and the plan of salvation as clear as a sunbeam. No one need be lost for want of knowledge, unless he is willfully blind. “We thank God that the Bible is prepared for the poor man as well as for the learned man. It is fitted for all ages and all classes.”—Manuscript 16, 1888, quoted in F. M. Wilcox, The Testimony of Jesus, pp. 13-15. “God committed the preparation of His divinely inspired word to finite man. This word arranged into books, the Old and New Testaments, is the guidebook to the inhabitants of a fallen world; bequeathed to them, that by studying and obeying the directions, not one soul would lose its way to heaven.”—Ibid., p. 13. “The truth of God is found in His word. Those who feel that they must seek elsewhere for present truth need to be converted anew. They have wrong habits to mend, evil ways to be abandoned. They need to seek anew the truth as it is in Jesus, that their character building may be in harmony with the lessons of Christ. As they abandon their human ideas and take up their God-given duties, beholding Christ and becoming conformed to His likeness, they say: ‘Nearer, my God, to Thee; nearer to Thee.’”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 192. “Brother J would confuse the mind by seeking to make it appear that the light God has given through the Testimonies is an addition to the word of God, but in this he presents the matter in a false light. God has seen fit in this matter to bring the minds of His people to His word, to give them a clearer understanding of it.”—Ibid., vol. 4, p. 246. “The word of God abounds in general principles for the formation of correct habits of living, and the testimonies, general and personal, have been calculated to call their attention more especially to these principles.”—Ibid., p. 323. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4” Produced by Secrets Unsealed. You can find them at and -
06 10 The Bible-or Tradition: The Roman Catholic View of Tradition-Part 2 ~ Stephen Bohr
Pastor Stephen Bohr spells out the reasons why we should be using the creed of Sola Scriptura, that is the Bible and the Bible only for “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”—2 Timothy 3:16-17 “I take the Bible just as it is, as the Inspired Word. I believe its utterances in an entire Bible. Men arise who think they find something to criticize in God's word. They lay it bare before others as evidence of superior wisdom…. “Brethren, let not a mind or hand be engaged in criticizing the Bible…. Men should let God take care of His own Book, His Living Oracles, as He has done for ages…. Brethren, cling to your Bible, as it reads, and stop your criticisms in regard to its validity, and obey the word, and not one of you will be lost…. “Men of humble acquirements, possessing but limited capabilities and opportunities to become conversant in the Scriptures, find in the Living Oracles comfort, guidance, counsel, and the plan of salvation as clear as a sunbeam. No one need be lost for want of knowledge, unless he is willfully blind. “We thank God that the Bible is prepared for the poor man as well as for the learned man. It is fitted for all ages and all classes.”—Manuscript 16, 1888, quoted in F. M. Wilcox, The Testimony of Jesus, pp. 13-15. “God committed the preparation of His divinely inspired word to finite man. This word arranged into books, the Old and New Testaments, is the guidebook to the inhabitants of a fallen world; bequeathed to them, that by studying and obeying the directions, not one soul would lose its way to heaven.”—Ibid., p. 13. “The truth of God is found in His word. Those who feel that they must seek elsewhere for present truth need to be converted anew. They have wrong habits to mend, evil ways to be abandoned. They need to seek anew the truth as it is in Jesus, that their character building may be in harmony with the lessons of Christ. As they abandon their human ideas and take up their God-given duties, beholding Christ and becoming conformed to His likeness, they say: ‘Nearer, my God, to Thee; nearer to Thee.’”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 192. “Brother J would confuse the mind by seeking to make it appear that the light God has given through the Testimonies is an addition to the word of God, but in this he presents the matter in a false light. God has seen fit in this matter to bring the minds of His people to His word, to give them a clearer understanding of it.”—Ibid., vol. 4, p. 246. “The word of God abounds in general principles for the formation of correct habits of living, and the testimonies, general and personal, have been calculated to call their attention more especially to these principles.”—Ibid., p. 323. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4” Produced by Secrets Unsealed. You can find them at and -
07 10 The Bible-or Tradition: Sabbath Controversies & Tradition-Stephen Bohr
Pastor Stephen Bohr spells out the reasons why we should be using the creed of Sola Scriptura, that is the Bible and the Bible only for “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”—2 Timothy 3:16-17 “I take the Bible just as it is, as the Inspired Word. I believe its utterances in an entire Bible. Men arise who think they find something to criticize in God's word. They lay it bare before others as evidence of superior wisdom…. “Brethren, let not a mind or hand be engaged in criticizing the Bible…. Men should let God take care of His own Book, His Living Oracles, as He has done for ages…. Brethren, cling to your Bible, as it reads, and stop your criticisms in regard to its validity, and obey the word, and not one of you will be lost…. “Men of humble acquirements, possessing but limited capabilities and opportunities to become conversant in the Scriptures, find in the Living Oracles comfort, guidance, counsel, and the plan of salvation as clear as a sunbeam. No one need be lost for want of knowledge, unless he is willfully blind. “We thank God that the Bible is prepared for the poor man as well as for the learned man. It is fitted for all ages and all classes.”—Manuscript 16, 1888, quoted in F. M. Wilcox, The Testimony of Jesus, pp. 13-15. “God committed the preparation of His divinely inspired word to finite man. This word arranged into books, the Old and New Testaments, is the guidebook to the inhabitants of a fallen world; bequeathed to them, that by studying and obeying the directions, not one soul would lose its way to heaven.”—Ibid., p. 13. “The truth of God is found in His word. Those who feel that they must seek elsewhere for present truth need to be converted anew. They have wrong habits to mend, evil ways to be abandoned. They need to seek anew the truth as it is in Jesus, that their character building may be in harmony with the lessons of Christ. As they abandon their human ideas and take up their God-given duties, beholding Christ and becoming conformed to His likeness, they say: ‘Nearer, my God, to Thee; nearer to Thee.’”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 192. “Brother J would confuse the mind by seeking to make it appear that the light God has given through the Testimonies is an addition to the word of God, but in this he presents the matter in a false light. God has seen fit in this matter to bring the minds of His people to His word, to give them a clearer understanding of it.”—Ibid., vol. 4, p. 246. “The word of God abounds in general principles for the formation of correct habits of living, and the testimonies, general and personal, have been calculated to call their attention more especially to these principles.”—Ibid., p. 323. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4” Produced by Secrets Unsealed. You can find them at and -
08 10 The Bible-or Tradition: Sunday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'
Pastor Stephen Bohr spells out the reasons why we should be using the creed of Sola Scriptura, that is the Bible and the Bible only for “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”—2 Timothy 3:16-17 “I take the Bible just as it is, as the Inspired Word. I believe its utterances in an entire Bible. Men arise who think they find something to criticize in God's word. They lay it bare before others as evidence of superior wisdom…. “Brethren, let not a mind or hand be engaged in criticizing the Bible…. Men should let God take care of His own Book, His Living Oracles, as He has done for ages…. Brethren, cling to your Bible, as it reads, and stop your criticisms in regard to its validity, and obey the word, and not one of you will be lost…. “Men of humble acquirements, possessing but limited capabilities and opportunities to become conversant in the Scriptures, find in the Living Oracles comfort, guidance, counsel, and the plan of salvation as clear as a sunbeam. No one need be lost for want of knowledge, unless he is willfully blind. “We thank God that the Bible is prepared for the poor man as well as for the learned man. It is fitted for all ages and all classes.”—Manuscript 16, 1888, quoted in F. M. Wilcox, The Testimony of Jesus, pp. 13-15. “God committed the preparation of His divinely inspired word to finite man. This word arranged into books, the Old and New Testaments, is the guidebook to the inhabitants of a fallen world; bequeathed to them, that by studying and obeying the directions, not one soul would lose its way to heaven.”—Ibid., p. 13. “The truth of God is found in His word. Those who feel that they must seek elsewhere for present truth need to be converted anew. They have wrong habits to mend, evil ways to be abandoned. They need to seek anew the truth as it is in Jesus, that their character building may be in harmony with the lessons of Christ. As they abandon their human ideas and take up their God-given duties, beholding Christ and becoming conformed to His likeness, they say: ‘Nearer, my God, to Thee; nearer to Thee.’”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 192. “Brother J would confuse the mind by seeking to make it appear that the light God has given through the Testimonies is an addition to the word of God, but in this he presents the matter in a false light. God has seen fit in this matter to bring the minds of His people to His word, to give them a clearer understanding of it.”—Ibid., vol. 4, p. 246. “The word of God abounds in general principles for the formation of correct habits of living, and the testimonies, general and personal, have been calculated to call their attention more especially to these principles.”—Ibid., p. 323. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4” Produced by Secrets Unsealed. You can find them at and -
09 10 The Bible-or Tradition: The Acid Test-Stephen Bohr
Pastor Stephen Bohr spells out the reasons why we should be using the creed of Sola Scriptura, that is the Bible and the Bible only for “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”—2 Timothy 3:16-17 “I take the Bible just as it is, as the Inspired Word. I believe its utterances in an entire Bible. Men arise who think they find something to criticize in God's word. They lay it bare before others as evidence of superior wisdom…. “Brethren, let not a mind or hand be engaged in criticizing the Bible…. Men should let God take care of His own Book, His Living Oracles, as He has done for ages…. Brethren, cling to your Bible, as it reads, and stop your criticisms in regard to its validity, and obey the word, and not one of you will be lost…. “Men of humble acquirements, possessing but limited capabilities and opportunities to become conversant in the Scriptures, find in the Living Oracles comfort, guidance, counsel, and the plan of salvation as clear as a sunbeam. No one need be lost for want of knowledge, unless he is willfully blind. “We thank God that the Bible is prepared for the poor man as well as for the learned man. It is fitted for all ages and all classes.”—Manuscript 16, 1888, quoted in F. M. Wilcox, The Testimony of Jesus, pp. 13-15. “God committed the preparation of His divinely inspired word to finite man. This word arranged into books, the Old and New Testaments, is the guidebook to the inhabitants of a fallen world; bequeathed to them, that by studying and obeying the directions, not one soul would lose its way to heaven.”—Ibid., p. 13. “The truth of God is found in His word. Those who feel that they must seek elsewhere for present truth need to be converted anew. They have wrong habits to mend, evil ways to be abandoned. They need to seek anew the truth as it is in Jesus, that their character building may be in harmony with the lessons of Christ. As they abandon their human ideas and take up their God-given duties, beholding Christ and becoming conformed to His likeness, they say: ‘Nearer, my God, to Thee; nearer to Thee.’”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 192. “Brother J would confuse the mind by seeking to make it appear that the light God has given through the Testimonies is an addition to the word of God, but in this he presents the matter in a false light. God has seen fit in this matter to bring the minds of His people to His word, to give them a clearer understanding of it.”—Ibid., vol. 4, p. 246. “The word of God abounds in general principles for the formation of correct habits of living, and the testimonies, general and personal, have been calculated to call their attention more especially to these principles.”—Ibid., p. 323. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4” Produced by Secrets Unsealed. You can find them at and -
10 10 The Bible-or Tradition: Word of God or Traditions of Man-Stephen Bohr
Pastor Stephen Bohr spells out the reasons why we should be using the creed of Sola Scriptura, that is the Bible and the Bible only for “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”—2 Timothy 3:16-17 “I take the Bible just as it is, as the Inspired Word. I believe its utterances in an entire Bible. Men arise who think they find something to criticize in God's word. They lay it bare before others as evidence of superior wisdom…. “Brethren, let not a mind or hand be engaged in criticizing the Bible…. Men should let God take care of His own Book, His Living Oracles, as He has done for ages…. Brethren, cling to your Bible, as it reads, and stop your criticisms in regard to its validity, and obey the word, and not one of you will be lost…. “Men of humble acquirements, possessing but limited capabilities and opportunities to become conversant in the Scriptures, find in the Living Oracles comfort, guidance, counsel, and the plan of salvation as clear as a sunbeam. No one need be lost for want of knowledge, unless he is willfully blind. “We thank God that the Bible is prepared for the poor man as well as for the learned man. It is fitted for all ages and all classes.”—Manuscript 16, 1888, quoted in F. M. Wilcox, The Testimony of Jesus, pp. 13-15. “God committed the preparation of His divinely inspired word to finite man. This word arranged into books, the Old and New Testaments, is the guidebook to the inhabitants of a fallen world; bequeathed to them, that by studying and obeying the directions, not one soul would lose its way to heaven.”—Ibid., p. 13. “The truth of God is found in His word. Those who feel that they must seek elsewhere for present truth need to be converted anew. They have wrong habits to mend, evil ways to be abandoned. They need to seek anew the truth as it is in Jesus, that their character building may be in harmony with the lessons of Christ. As they abandon their human ideas and take up their God-given duties, beholding Christ and becoming conformed to His likeness, they say: ‘Nearer, my God, to Thee; nearer to Thee.’”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 192. “Brother J would confuse the mind by seeking to make it appear that the light God has given through the Testimonies is an addition to the word of God, but in this he presents the matter in a false light. God has seen fit in this matter to bring the minds of His people to His word, to give them a clearer understanding of it.”—Ibid., vol. 4, p. 246. “The word of God abounds in general principles for the formation of correct habits of living, and the testimonies, general and personal, have been calculated to call their attention more especially to these principles.”—Ibid., p. 323. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4” Produced by Secrets Unsealed. You can find them at and

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