The Emerging Church

the emerging church

There is a new movement within Christianity today which deserves our attention because the emerging church is emerging within the ranks of professed Bible believing Christians, and leading many astray,

the emerging church

The Emergent, or Emerging Church Movement is a very powerful force because it is masterful in the means by which it blurs the lines of truth with the ideas and notions that all things are truth, that there are no absolutes. These and many other deceptive ideas are subtly interwoven into the movement and if left unchecked, threaten to draw many away from the faith and to contribute to the great falling away prophesied in the period prior to Christ’s return. the emerging church

The general idea behind the Emergent Church is that the postmodern era has produced a culture shift and that the way we think of Christianity therefore also has to change, in order to stay relevant with that culture. Leith Anderson wrote:

“The only way to cope, and be effective during this period of structural change in society is to change some of the ways we view our world, and the church. It is what some might call a paradigm shift, a new way of looking at something. Such a shift will allow us to view our changing world with a new perspective, it is like a map. Old maps from the 1950’s may have sufficed before the construction of interstate highways and the expansion at major cities, but new maps are needed now. Likewise, we need a new paradigm for the future.”

So basically the Christianity of the modern era is no use in the postmodern era, instead, they want to blend post-modernism with Christianity. To take post modern ideas; ideas that unity is more important than truth. Ideas that we can have different beliefs, and that they are all equally valid; That these beliefs in no way conflict with each other as we are all one in unity, and we can all play a part in building a one-world Utopian society.  the emerging church

That the here and now is more important than eternity, and that Christianity should therefore be primarily concerned with social justice, and unity with Rome and all her daughters.

Because they know that the truth is divisive they hate the concept of absolute right and wrong and will instead ask endless questions. To them their questions never lead to solutions, but merely to more questions and they seem to like it that way. They think that this is enlightened thinking, because the second you claim to have an answer to those questions you have become arrogant and divisive and may offend someone else’s idea of truth. Because they never reach a conclusion or settle on absolute statements they also talk a lot about conversation. Conversation is a key word for the Emerging Church, they ignore the wise advice of GK Chesterton when he says:  the emerging church

“The point of having an open mind, like an open mouth, is to close it again on something solid.”

They don’t like solid things, they don’t like absolutes, which is why it has been said that trying to define the Emerging Church is like trying to nail jelly to a wall. As soon as you try and pin them down and something, they’ll shift their position. They have very basically swallowed the lies from the spirit of the Postmodern Age and have mixed them with Christianity. In much the same way that Catholicism mixed the pollution of the pagan cultures that surrounded it in Rome. Catholicism partly did this to make the Christian message more palatable to the pagan cultures, and the emergence movement is doing much the same thing. Watering down, or removing the truth all together, to create unity with the world. the emerging church

The whole Emergent Movement can be traced back several decades, but it really picked up speed in the mid-nineteen ninety’s. Mark Driscoll the pastor at Mars Hill Church in Seattle was involved in the movement in those days, he says.

“In the mid nineteen nineties I was young church planter trying to establish a church in the city of Seattle when I got a call to speak at my first conference. It was hosted by Leadership Network, and focused on the subject of generation “X”. Out of that conference a small team was formed to continue conversing about post-modernism. By this time leadership Network hired Doug Pagitt to lead the team and organize events. He began growing the team and it soon included Brian McLaren.”

Pagitt, McLaren, and others such as Chris Seay, Tony Jones, Dan Kimball and Andrew Jones stayed together and continued speaking and writing together as friends. That team eventually morphed into what is now known as Emergent.”

Those are just some of the names you hear along with the likes of Rob Bell and Tony Campolo amongst others, and they are unfortunately accepted and promoted in many evangelical circles.

Hopefully this study will help you to see clearly how Satan is using this as part of his agenda; here are some quotes.

Tony Jones said
“Emergence doesn’t have a position on absolute truth, or on anything for that matter. Do you show up at a dinner party with your neighbors and ask. What’s this dinner party’s position on absolute truth? No, You don’t, because it’s a nonsensical question.”

Tony Jones again said,

“This is actually about changing theology, This is about our belief that theology changes. The message of the gospel changes. It’s not just the method that changes.”

the emerging church tony-jones

So instead of the Biblical truth changing our culture, his idea is that culture should change the biblical truth. In fact he doesn’t believe that the Bible has any objective truth at all. So we must stop looking for some objective truth that is available when we delve into the text of the Bible.”

the emerging church brian-mclaren


Brian McLaren repeats this idea when he says;
“Let me offer ten suggestions for reclaiming the Bible for contemporary readers…Drop any affair you may have with certainty.”

None of us can be certain of anything, and the Bible can be interpreted anyway an individual likes, and who’s to say which interpretation is correct, the truth can’t be known. This means that everyone is free to do exactly what they like, and to adapt the Bible to fit with your individual concepts of truth.


Rob Bell backs this up when he says;
“Anytime someone makes you feel guilty about how you’re living, that is part of the old system.”

What Rob Bell is effectively saying is to let each other do what they want to do, he is in fact promoting the Satanic Maxim.

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”

the emerging church Rob Bell

Tony Jones in fact recommended ripping out parts of the Bible that would oppose this world view, at least temporarily when he said;  the emerging church

“Maybe some evangelicals should tear the book of Romans out of their Bibles for a few years. Then they can paste it back in.”

Josh Reich talks about globalism and embracing Babylonian Mysticism when he says;

“Some of the values of the Emerging Church are an emphasis on emotions. Global outlook, a rise in the use of the art, and a rise in Mysticism and Spirituality.”

These words are dripping with the spirit of the age, and you should now begin to see how they’re designed to draw Christians away from the gospel and into Satan’s lair. Please take the time to watch the excellent video presentations on this page as well as other pages on this site.

Videos in this playlist

The Emergent-Emerging Church Documentary the emerging church

The Real Roots of the Emergent Church – Updated Director’s Cut

Support / Donations:

Because diversity characterises the Emergent Church movement, it is difficult to paint everyone in the movement with a broad brush. Some have observed that defining the Emergent Church is like nailing jello to a wall. All participants agree on their disillusionment with the institutional church, but do not all agree on where the church is destined to go from here. They share a common concern with many evangelicals over the state of the modern church, especially the mega-church phenomenon and “seeker-friendly” churches. For this reason, many evangelicals who observe the Emerging Church are fascinated by it, drawn to its creative approaches to worship, genuineness of many of the leaders and desire to reach Gen Xers. However, these evangelicals fail to look beyond it to understand its underlying theology, or lack thereof.

This Christian documentary film The Real Roots of the Emergent Church will take an honest look at the leaders of the Emerging Church movement such as Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Rob Bell, Tony Campolo, Steve Chalke, Peter Rollins, Dan Kimball, Richard Rohr, Phyllis Tickle, Spencer Burke and others. Who are they and what are they teaching? Become familiar with the postmodern Emergent Church and its popular tactic of literary deconstruction applied to the Bible. This film takes an in-depth look at what the Emerging Church believes concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Scriptures, absolute truth, hell, homosexuality, mysticism, contemplative prayer, other religions, and eschatology in comparison to the Bible. Much more than candles and couches!

Subjects of this film were contacted for direct interviews. Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones and others were contacted in April 2011. No response. At a Love Wins book signing, Rob told us he would be willing to do an interview and to contact his church which was done several times with no response. We do not fault them for that knowing they are all probably very busy people. But for this reason we have resorted to their own public statements. This film is our way of joining the conversation.

Participants: Eric Ludy, Joe Schimmel, Chris Rosebrough, Bob DeWaay, Gary Gilley, Ray Yungen, Robert LeBus, Jay Peters, James Sundquist.

Written, Edited & Directed by Elliott Nesch

Church of the Tares  the emerging church

Church of Tares – Updated Director’s Cut

Support / Donations:

Can the Church borrow the marketing tools of the world and apply them to the Church? What is the history of the Church Growth movement and its false premises? Who is involved in the new evangelicalism and second reformation? Why are these movements embracing contemplative mysticism? How does this movement play into the New World Order? These questions and more are answered in Church of Tares: Purpose Driven, Seeker-Sensitive, Church Growth & New World Order.

Church of Tares chronicles the man-centered pragmatism of these evangelical Christian movements in comparison to the Bible’s instruction for building the Church of Jesus Christ.As a sequel to The Real Roots of the Emergent Church, Church of Tares documents the connections between the liberal Emergent Church movement and the Church Growth movement. Both movements’ leadership were discipled by business management guru Peter Drucker, who was attracted to the megachurch movement as a social phenomenon that could bring about his “new society” and New World Order. Megacurch pastors Rick Warren and Bill Hybels as well as Leadership Network founder Bob Buford all acknowledge Drcuker (who professed not to be a Christian) as their mentor and have built their organizations upon his secular business management philosophies rather than the foundation of Jesus Christ.

The fruit of these movements is great compromise of the Gospel and the Great Commission. Rick Warren claims to be ushering in a new spiritual awakening and second reformation with his P.E.A.C.E. Plan. But this reform appears to be a social reformation rather than a spiritual one by joining together in ministry with unbelievers to fight global giants. Such compromise has led to the affirming response letter to the Common Word document which declares Muhammad to be a prophet and the Bible and Qur’an to be of the “same Divine origin.”

This film is non-profit and FREE, not to be bought or sold, but you do have permission to make copies and distribute freely. To obtain a DVD, simply order online for a free copy or make a donation with your request. Your support is greatly appreciated.