Renewed in holiness

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In Jeremiah 29:13 there is a promise from the Lord which is written:- “Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.”   When He says “all“ your heart He means “ALL” … Read More

Christian Growth

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What is “Christian Growth,” and how does the Bible illustrate it? The change of heart by which we become children of God, is spoken of in the Bible as birth. It is also compared to the germination of the good … Read More

Repentance towards God

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The question is often asked: Is repentance necessary for salvation? For surely we all know that it is by faith that we are saved, and not by anything that we have done. An example of this is given to us … Read More

Purgatory: True or False?

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Purgatory: Is it True, or is it False? It is plainly false! For the doctrine of purgatory is nowhere found in the Inspired Word. In fact: Purgatory makes a lie of the scriptures regarding the state of the dead, and … Read More

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