Manner of Christ’s Coming

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“Manner of Christ’s Coming” The Signs of the Times 10, 27. 1884 E. J. Waggoner Last week we gave two texts (John 14:1-3; Heb. 9:27-28) which contain a direct promise of Christ’s second coming. If the subject were mentioned nowhere … Read More

The Promise of His Coming

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“The Promise of His Coming” The Signs of the Times 10, 26. 1884 E. J. Waggoner That there was once upon this earth a man called Jesus of Nazareth, scarcely anyone will now deny. Whatever conflicting views different ones may hold … Read More

Church and State

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The word Papacy means “the joining or the amalgamation of Church and State” The word Catholic, derived from the Greek, means “universal.” Its opposite is sectarian, the universal church of Rome is Babylon, 1 Peter 5:13. The City of Rome … Read More

patient in tribulation

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“Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation” are just two of the characteristics of the Christian. The Lord has no use for a discouraged man; and it is certain that a gloomy, morose, despondent man cannot be a perfect Christian. This … Read More

Prayer that Prevails

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November 23, 1888 “Prayer that Prevails” The Signs of the Times 14, 45. E. J. Waggoner There is some very important instruction given in regard to prayer, in the eighteenth chapter of Luke. What stronger assurance that prayer will be … Read More

In the Law

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“In the Law” The Signs of the Times 12, 36. September 16, 1886 E. J. Waggoner The expression, “under the law,” occurs twelve times in the King James version of the New Testament, in the following verses: Rom. 3:19; 6:14-15. … Read More

Under the Law

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“Under the Law” Part 1-4 The Signs of the Times 12, 17. May 6, 1886 E. J. Waggoner One of the peculiarities of the human mind is that while it readily grasps a pleasing story or a fable, it refuses … Read More

Doers of the Law

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“Doers of the Law” The Signs of the Times 12, 11. March 18, 1886 E. J. Waggoner In previous articles, we have laid down some of the fundamental principles of the law. We have found that the moral law of … Read More

Perpetuity of the Law

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“Perpetuity of the Law” The Signs of the Times 12, 9. E. J. Waggoner It is impossible to discuss one branch of this great subject of the law without touching more or less upon every other branch. So in considering … Read More

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